good things ATL’s guide to the beltline

If you are new to Atlanta, or simply new to the beltline, I have put together this simple guide to help you navigate this beloved transitory space. I will confess this is specific to the east side beltline trail as that is the one I have spent the most time with.

  1. Acknowledge Kevin. This is very important. If you don’t know who Kevin is, you haven’t spent enough time on the beltline. That’s okay. Give it time.

  2. Good restaurants and bars on the beltline: Bell Street Burritos, Muchacho, Victory Sandwich Bar, Lingering Shade, The Victorian

  3. If you are in a group of three of more people, find a figuration to walk in that is no wider than three people. A triangle, maybe? Groups of two? Just don’t form a wall. You might cause a scooter accident, and nobody wants that.

  4. If it is past 4 pm and the weather is above 50 degrees and not raining, accept that the beltline will be extremely crowded.

  5. If you need to tie your shoe, please step off the trail. This is the human equivalant of pulling over to change a flat tire.

  6. Wearing a pair of sunglasses makes it a lot easier to avoid eye contact with everyone you walk past.

  7. The beltline is best enjoyed with a beverage, alcoholic or non-alcoholic.


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