Welcome to good things ATL
I created this site for two reasons.
Reason 1: To help you find good things in Atlanta
Take your girl out on a unique date. Take your boys out on a unique date. Take your mom to a mimosa festival and get day drunk. She’s earned it. Take yourself out on a date. Enjoy life for a little bit. Have something to look forward to.
I don’t want you to have to scroll through event calendars. I don’t want you to have to text friends “hey, what’s the move this weekend” and for them to respond “idk u?” I don’t want you to have to panic when your friend from college comes to visit and you realize you don’t actually know what to do around Atlanta. Find good things. They don’t come to those who wait.
Reason 2: To help you get people to enjoy your good things in Atlanta
I’ve spent time in marketing and promoting artistic events. And it can be annoying. Event calendars are either so clogged with random stuff they’re impossible to navigate. Or no one actually uses them. My goal in creating this website is to create a resource that people actually use and benefit from.
Don’t worry about marketing lingo. Don’t worry about getting it right. Just tell us why your event is good. I want your event, or whatever you do, to find the people looking for it.
Are these recommendations meant to be underground and niche, or popular touristy spots?
Neither. Or both. The only necessity is to be good.
Can I submit a good thing?
You can submit events here. If you have a recommendation for other good things (shops, places, restaurants), you can send them to goodthingsatl@gmail.com